Thursday, September 29, 2011


Two hours of hard questions. Only got really stumped once. Onto internship essays

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tomorrow at 1:30pm

I will be proposing my final dissertation project idea to my committee tomorrow at 1:30pm. Please pray around that time that it goes well. I'll try to post something tomorrow night about how it went.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Where will we live next year.

Assuming that I will get an internship in February, it will be in one of the following places. (It may change though)

Research oriented sites/med schools

West Virginia University Health Sciences Center, Charleston
Medical University of South Carolina
Medical University of San Diego
Missouri Health Sciences Psychology Consortium
Brown University, RI

Forensic sites (Mostly Federal prisons)

FMC- Rochester, MN
USMCFP, Springfield
FCC- Butner, NC
Federal Medical Center, Devens, MA
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Central California Psychology Internship Consortium

Veteran's Affairs
Hines VA Hospital, Chicago, IL
University of Mississippi Medical Center / VA Medical Center, Jackson
VA Medical Center, Salem VA
VA West Los Angeles Healthcare Center, CA
University of California, San Diego/Veterans Affairs
VA Medical Center, Milwaukee WI
VA Maryland Health Care System/University of Maryland School of Medicine
Hefner VA Medical Center, Salisbury North Carolina
Cincinnati VA Medical Center, OH